Quite a bit has happened since our last post. Let me explain.
No, there is too much. Let me 'sum up.
- Clara had a bout of seizures at the beginning of June. After some serious worries, and several trips to one of the biggest hospitals in Korea, we found out she has absence seizures - something that can be contained by medicine. She is doing okay - just had a checkup today, and seems to be doing fine.
- The summer was fairly uneventful, although I kept busy at church.
- A gaggle of new teachers showed up in August, and school started again. Holly started kindergarten.
- Melody has started learning to play the clarinet.
- Laura and I are taking a trip to Germany in two weeks. Ruby is coming, the others are staying with friends while we go.
- I performed my first wedding. And not my last! Another is coming up in a month.
There you go - a summary of all the posts I should have made. More will come.