Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Top Ten Subjects

It's about time for another top ten, right?

How about my top ten school subjects. We'll leave out college courses for now.

1. Consumer Math.
This should be a required course. So many people don't know how to handle money or do simple arithmetic. Even with calculators, people are at the mercy of banks. Learn to do your own taxes!

2. Geometry. It's not about theorems and finding the surface area of a bowling ball. It's about learning logic. And boy, everyone needs that!

3. Comparative World Views. Why is the Bible different than Islam? What does secular humanism really mean? This is a practical, enjoyable class.

4. World History. Sadly, the achievement tests that our kids take seem to think that world history = American history. I love American history (see below), but it's more fascinating to see the whole world in scope.

5. Algebra. Yes, there's a lot of math here. But I just enjoy watching equations come together in an orderly fashion, and that begins in this class.

6. Any math class that includes statistics. I love stats, and while few high school classes zone in on them specifically, it's great when they devote a chapter or two to them.

7. Old Testament Survey.
Let's explore the history of the Bible. There are great stories there, but it's also good to look at WHY we read about those stories.

8. Grammar and Composition. I'm no great writer, but it's important that everyone run, RUN from this internet jibber jabber that is turning people into illiterate fools.

9. US History. Man, it's amazing what we've managed to cram in 233 years of history (yes, yes, there are 300 years before that, I know). While not as neat as looking at the whole world, it's still great to learn about.

10. Speech and Debate.
Like to argue? The rules and regulations keep this class fascinating.


  1. As a secular humanist, I would be interested in your answer to "What does secular humanism really mean?"
